Proposal for a food and health research infrastructure in Europe

Last 15 May we were happy to host the conference "Proposal for a food and health research infrastructure in Europe" at our pavilion. Policy makers, involved in funding decisions or food and health research, have been invited to share their views on the infrastructure needed to advance food and health research in Europe.

EuroDISH makes its proposals after the end of the three-year project, which receives funding from the European Commission FP7 programme. Relevant initiatives, like the Joint Programming Initiative 'A Healthy Diet for a Healthy Life' (JPI HDHL), the FP7 project FoodManufuture, and the European Science Forum on Research Infrastructures (ESFRI), explain how EuroDISH findings relate to societal and scientific challenges in the food and health domain and to other research infrastructures.




This was a unique opportunity to discuss the steps required to make this conceptual design a reality to strengthen research on food, nutrition and health.


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Photo credits: Senia Ferrante
