ven, 25 septembre 2015 - sam, 26 septembre 2015

"Together with De Agostini  Editore – Canali Tv, owner of three different Tv channels dedicated to kids (Super!, DeaKids, DeaJunior), the EU Pavilion is planning an event on the terrace spread over two days.

On the 25th and 26th of September the Pavilion will host the event "Super! La merenda europea".  

Two winners of "Masterchef" and "Masterchef Junior" – two important Tv Shows -  will invite kids on the terrace for two hours (from 3 to 5 pm) to join a cooking show.

Spyros (Masterchef winner) and Emanuela (Masterchef Junior winner) will guide the public together with a representative of the EU staff into the visitor experience. After the visit, they will show on the terrace how to prepare Alex & Sylvia's bread."