Addressing our Emerging Water Futures: The Water-Food-Energy-Ecosystems Security Nexus, 18th-19th September

ven, 18 septembre 2015 - sam, 19 septembre 2015

Water crises might be among the major global risks to social stability that the world are the least prepared for.

Mitigating risks to long-term water security requires designing resilience strategies and solutions going beyond sectoral divides and matching the needs of water from different users in a region. Governance of interconnected solutions is then at the core of the Water-Food-Energy-Ecosystem Nexus. Managing the Nexus requires solutions focusing on equitable allocation of water across all economic sectors including an appropriate appreciation of the role of ecosystems as elements of the capital assets that support the water sector.

As integration is not a new concept in water management, how do we make a difference in integrating approaches by adopting a Water Nexus perspective? The workshop, organised by the CNR-Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, the JRC-Joint Research Centre of the European Commission, the FAO-Food and Agricultural Organisation, and UNESCO-United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, will address interconnected solutions for a Nexus governance of water resources.

Further details and information