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Svinam Eiropu! - Romas Līguma 50. gadadienaIzlaist valodas izvēles joslu (īsinājumtaustiņš=2) 01/02/2008
EUROPA > 50. gadadiena > ES valstīs > Francija


EiropāES valstīsPasaulēKalendārsPasākumu veidi
KonferenceKonference 07/03/07 > 09/03/07Grenoble - France
50 years of the Rome Treaty - International Symposium

50 years of the Rome Treaty - International Symposium

Researchers from all over Europe will debate EU issues and challenges at the first European Meeting of Grenoble. ››  skatīt vairāk English (en) français (fr)

KonferenceKonference 16/03/07 > 17/03/07Toulouse - France
European pathways, united in diversity for 50 years.

European pathways, united in diversity for 50 years.

What is the EU? What does it offer? Where is it taking us? Workshops and debates will draw on the value and richness of European beliefs, ideas and experiences. ››  skatīt vairāk English (en) français (fr)

KonferenceKonference 17/03/07Lille - France
European Pride

European Pride

Can we be proud to be European? Famous actors along with well-known politicians, business figures and trade unionists will be debating this issue with the general public and formulating concrete proposals for the future of Europe. ››  skatīt vairāk English (en) français (fr)

CitiCiti 22/03/07 > 25/03/07Strasbourg - France
Strasbourg, a European City, celebrates the50th anniversary of the signing of the Treaty of Rome.

Strasbourg, a European City, celebrates the50th anniversary of the signing of the Treaty of Rome.

Strasbourg is organising events and entertainment as part of the celebrations for the 50th Anniversary of the signing of theTreaty of Rome. The initiative includes concerts, an exhibition on EU history and a quiz. ››  skatīt vairāk English (en) français (fr)

Kultūras pasākumsKultūras pasākums 24/03/07Marseille - France
European places in Marseille

European places in Marseille

Take a guided tour and discover some of the places representing the relationship between Marseille and Europe. ››  skatīt vairāk English (en) français (fr)

CitiCiti 24/03/07France
“How we hated each other”

“How we hated each other”

The great story of the Franco-German reconciliation, along with, at the footnotes of History, the love story of a Franco-German young couple who meet again in the 50’s, after having lost sight of each other at the end of the war. ››  skatīt vairāk English (en) français (fr)

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IzstādeIzstāde 25/03/07 > 20/04/07Paris - France
Exhibition Euro Culture

Exhibition Euro Culture

An exhibition labelled « 50th Anniversary » on the Euro will be shown at the Representation. ››  skatīt vairāk English (en) français (fr)

CitiCiti 25/03/07Paris - France
Open Day at Representation

Open Day at Representation

Open Day at the European Commission Representation in France and the European Parliament office in Paris for the 50th Anniversary of the Treaty of Rome. ››  skatīt vairāk English (en) français (fr)

KonferenceKonference 25/03/07Paris - France
Tour of Europe – Paris Conference

Tour of Europe – Paris Conference

In the context of its Tour of Europe, the Confrontations Europe Association is organising, in Paris, a conference on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the Treaty of Rome and of the 15th anniversary of the setting up of Confrontations Europe. ››  skatīt vairāk English (en) français (fr)

JauniešiJaunieši 25/03/07France
On the track of the Treaty of Rome

On the track of the Treaty of Rome

Young reporters grab your cameras! France 24 in cooperation with the French Ministers for Education and European Affairs is launching a journalism competition for students aged 14 to 26.  ››  skatīt vairāk English (en) français (fr)

CitiCiti 25/03/07Paris - France
Let’s join together and celebrate Europe’s 50th anniversary

Let’s join together and celebrate Europe’s 50th anniversary

On the occasion of Europe’s 50th anniversary, Paris City Council is organising a European roller skate trip through the capital. ››  skatīt vairāk English (en) français (fr)

Kultūras pasākumsKultūras pasākums 26/03/07 > 07/04/07Paris - France
50 years of Europe – 1957 to 2007

50 years of Europe – 1957 to 2007

To mark the 50th anniversary of the Treaties of Rome, the European Studies Research Unit is organising a study day on 30 March 2007. This initiative is linked to another event, an exhibition of documents on Europe organised by the University Documentation Service in the University Library Hall from 26 March to 7 April 2007. ››  skatīt vairāk English (en) français (fr)

CitiCiti 29/03/07Marseille - France
European Day in the “La Timone” hospital

European Day in the “La Timone” hospital

The Representation of the Commission in Marseille will spend a day with “La Timone” hospital’s patients. ››  skatīt vairāk English (en) français (fr)

CitiCiti 01/05/07Strasbourg - France
Open Day 2007

Open Day 2007

The seat of the European Parliament in Strasbourg will be staging its traditional ‘open day’ on 1 May. The famous institution will be opening its doors to the general public, who will have the chance to visit stands, listen to debates and attend concerts. ››  skatīt vairāk English (en) français (fr)

CitiCiti 09/05/07Caen - France
Freedom of movement in Europe: current situation

Freedom of movement in Europe: current situation

This is an information day of workshops aimed  in the morning at businesses and employees, and in the afternoon at students, job seekers and workers wishing to move abroad. ››  skatīt vairāk English (en) français (fr)

CitiCiti 09/05/07The Alps - France
The European flag flying from the highest Alpine peaks

The European flag flying from the highest Alpine peaks

On 9 May, Europe Day, 50 mountain guides will set off carrying 50 European flags to the summits of 50 mountains in the Alps and the highest peaks in Italy. The flag-raising ceremonies will take place simultaneously at midday on 9 May. ››  skatīt vairāk

IzstādeIzstāde 09/05/07 > 31/05/07Paris - France
African Emotions

African Emotions

Celebrating 9 May and the 50th anniversary of the Treaty of Rome, the Representation of the European Commission is presenting an art exhibition on the theme of Africa. ››  skatīt vairāk English (en) français (fr)

Kultūras pasākumsKultūras pasākums 09/05/07 > 11/05/07Paris - France
French Documentation (La Documentation française) comes to the Europe Day party

French Documentation (La Documentation française) comes to the Europe Day party

On the occasion of Europe Day and to mark its recent gaining of the "Europe Direct Centre" label, French Documentation invites you to discover, or simply re-familiarise yourselves with, everything it has to offer in terms of information and documentation  about the European Union. ››  skatīt vairāk English (en) français (fr)

CitiCiti 09/05/07The Alps - Italy - France
The European flag flying from the highest Alpine peaks

The European flag flying from the highest Alpine peaks

On 9 May, Europe Day, 50 mountain guides will set off carrying 50 European flags to the summits of 50 mountains in the Alps and the highest peaks in Italy. The flag-raising ceremonies will take place simultaneously at midday on 9 May. ››  skatīt vairāk English (en) français (fr) italiano (it)

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CitiCiti 09/05/07Paris - France
The European Village

The European Village

Paris Town Hall, Europe House / Europe Direct Centre, the Representation of the European Commission in France and their partners invite you to come and celebrate Europe at the European Village in front of Paris Town Hall on May 9th from 10.00 to 19.30. ››  skatīt vairāk English (en) français (fr)

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CitiCiti 23/07/07 > 20/10/07Paris - France
Quiz – EU 50 / Rugby World Cup

Quiz – EU 50 / Rugby World Cup

The European commission representation in France is organising a quiz-competition on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the Treaty of Rome and the Rugby World Cup 2007. ››  skatīt vairāk English (en) français (fr)

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