
The EU Scientific Steering Committee for Expo, chaired by Franz Fischler, met on 11 December for the 4th time since its creation in March 2014.

Today we held a press-conference in the Italian Representation of the European Commission at the Palazzo delle Stelline in Milan, to present the collaboration between EU at Expo 2015 and ESN.

Next year’s World Expo Milano 2015 – themed “Feeding the Planet, Energy for Life” – is providing the perfect opportunity for the European Union to share our vision of a more sustainable world, highlighting our key role in working towards solving sustainability issues within a variety of diverse communities worldwide.

Our Deputy Commissioner General Giancarlo Caratti spoke yesterday at the Barilla International Forum for Food and Nutrition at Bocconi University, an event which since 2009 proposes to promote debate on global topics linked to food, encourage awareness and generate sound proposals for the future of our planet.

Until 12 December we will be following the development of the "Lima Climate Change Conference" in Peru, which is focusing its attention on issues related to climate change, renewable energies, environmental protection and equal access to resources.