Climate change: from the Lima Conference to the EU commitment, our thematic week on the future of climate

Until 12 December we will be following the development of the "Lima Climate Change Conference" in Peru, which is focusing its attention on issues related to climate change, renewable energies, environmental protection and equal access to resources. The Conference is a cornerstone for commitment to the future of our climate, paving the way to the "United Nations Climate Change Conference" the will be held in Paris next year.

We will be closely following the further advancements of this debate online and we will dedicate a "Thematic Week" on our social media, providing an overall communication on the Conference main themes and collecting information from different EU sources: from EU Climate Action to Environment, without forgetting the UN and the official online website of the event.

To take part to the debate, you can follow our Twitter and Facebook accounts and, to be constantly updated on what is going on in Lima, check out the official hashtags #COP20 and #COP20Lima.  

