A message from Deputy Commissioner Giancarlo Caratti

There is no doubt that Expo Milan has turned out as a great success of public and that the EU is gaining a lot out of its participation. Over the past few days, we have been experiencing a pretty amazing turn up at the EU pavilion. We even expect higher numbers in September when school trips will be organised. We are well in line with our forecast of 500,000 visitors which we are confident to exceed at the end of Expo.

We are working hard to guarantee visitors are well informed about the activities of our pavilion and that they enjoy their visit and appreciate the movie of "The Golden Ear." In fact, the appreciation rate of the Pavilion is high: since we introduced a polling device for visitors, about 70.000 persons (91%) have responded with a positive feedback.

Some 140 events linked to the Expo theme, launched by the European Commission and the European Parliament, took place so far, either in the EU Pavilion, in the Joint Research Centre in Ispra, in Milan universities and other locations in the city center. We are looking forward to the coming months of September and October which look even more challenging then until now.

Giancarlo Caratti
Deputy Commissioner
European Union Pavilion Expo 2015 Milano
