Food safety audits - Making best use of a valuable resource

Wednesday, 8 July 2015

The aim of this event hosted by the Food and Veterinary Office (FVO) of the European Commission is to discuss how audits and inspections contribute to high food safety standards and importantly to learn how they are best used at European and Global level to improve Food Control Systems and to facilitate trade.

The discussions will focus on audit approaches in food safety systems of global food producing/trading nations. Audits are a key enabler for safe food safety systems in the EU and in countries exporting to the EU, thus contributing to feeding the planet safely but also to enabling safe food trade within and outside the EU.

Colleagues from key Food Safety Authorities in the EU and trading partners, from the international standard setting bodies, the food industry and civil society will take part in the event.

EXPO DG SANTE FVO event - Context & Background Considerations for the event

Calendar of Events