EU third countries events at Expo Milano 2015

On 27 April, 2015, the European Commission - Representative Office in Milan hosted the press conference dedicated to the official launch of  the "EU third countries events at Expo 2015". In this occasion, the European Union presented its program of high-level B2B events, to be hosted in Milan during the six months of Expo 2015.

The Directorate General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs (DG GROW) of the European Commission, together with Enterprise Europe Network and Promos, will promote a series of business events, with the purpose of consolidating the European SMEs' network and fostering a global development.


This project is part of the 2011 program "Missions for Growth", aiming at boosting the growth and competitiveness of the European companies and enhancing cooperation in areas of mutual interest of Enterprise & Industry Policy.


The events, divided in 4 main thematic areas correspondent to different geographical zones, will involve the participation of Italian and European companies, visitors of Expo 2015 Milano and worldwide delegations. Here, EU companies will also have the opportunity to meet and discuss about their business with companies from targeted Third Countries and Regions.


To know more on the EU B2B events, visit this page.
