We are getting ready to welcome you

Works at Expo Milan 2015 are undergoing to finalise the European Union pavilion. All preparations are being made to help visitors discover “Europe as they have never experienced before.”

In our pavilion, you will travel through an interactive area presenting EU policies and actions linked to the theme “Growing Europe’s Future Together for a Better World.” The pavilion will present the European Union’s contribution in the areas of sustainability and health, enhancing economic growth and creating jobs, development and humanitarian aid, and research and innovation. Moreover, at the pavilion you will be able to see “The Golden Ear”, a short animated film telling the story of Sylvia and Alex.

How are the works to build the EU pavilion progressing? We asked this question to the Director of the European Union pavilion at Expo Milano 2015, Matteo Fornara. “There are some technical delays that we will overcome in the next days,” Fornara reassures “to offer our visitors the experience that the European Union team has been working tirelessly for two years”.

“The most important event dedicated to the European Union will be on 9 May,” continues the Director of the Pavilion, “Europe Day – the annual celebration of peace and unity in Europe - will be the first “National Day" at Expo 2015. The visitors will have the pleasure of seeing a parade starting from the auditorium, where the “Citizens’ Dialogue” will be held. This is the traditional event organised by the European Commission where citizens can openly discuss with the protagonists of European policies.” Matteo Fornara believes that the interest for the European Union pavilion is amazing, particularly among young people. “The call for volunteers for the EU pavilion was answered by over two thousand people between 18 and 30 years of age. Mainly, they are university students and, in most cases, women. “Of course, Sylvia and Alex, the main characters of the exhibition space narrative, cannot wait to welcome our visitors and citizens to tell them about “Europe as they have never experienced before” and to explain how they took up the challenge of Expo “Feeding the Planet, Energy for Life.” In other words, prepare to be surprised!”

The words and optimism of Director Fornara reveal how the European Union has been working on giving a new look to the European Union: closer to its citizens, easier to understand in its actions and policies, and more modern.

So, join the EU Experience at Expo Milano 2015. We are looking forward to welcoming you!
