Call for volunteers at the EU pavilion at Expo Milano

The pavilion of the European Union intends to offer all young Europeans the opportunity to actively participate in a historic event, Expo Milano 2015, contributing to its activities and creating a unique learning and communication experience.

We are looking for over 900 young people who have a passion for Europe that they would like to share with visitors to the EU Pavilion in their capacity as volunteers.

Those selected will be responsible for crowd management and easing visitor access to the pavilion as well as the dissemination of information about the contents of the EU's participation in Expo and food-related issues.

People interested must be:

aged between 18 and 30;
a citizen of a EU country or a country participating in the Erasmus+ program;
Have good knowledge of English (level B2) and fair knowledge of Italian language (level B1). Knowledge of other languages ​​will be an asset.

The selected volunteers will be engaged for a period of 14 or 15 consecutive days and for a maximum of 5 hours and 30 minutes per day. During the rest of the day they will be free to visit the Expo site and all its pavilions.

To register, visit

Photo credits: © Robert Kneschke
