Thematic week on agriculture and rural development

Agriculture is at the heart of our lives. Much of what we consume and use every day comes from a farm, from our milk, bread, meat, vegetables and wine, to our clothing and cut flowers. Farmers play a unique role: they not only produce high quality, safe food, but they also look after the natural landscape, help tackle climate change and preserve agricultural diversity.

Considering the importance of these issues, between 26 January and 1 February, we will be hosting on our social media accounts a thematic week dedicated to agriculture and rural development.

Among the debated themes, there will be: the nature of the European milk market, Europe's Common Agricultural Policy, the agri-food business, the agricultural European Innovation Partnership (EIP-AGRI), organic farming, and the production of sufficient, safe, nutritious food for all.

We will be closely following the further advancements of the online debate on food resources and agriculture, trying to ask to the question: “How could we be able to feed 9 billion people by 2050?”.

Moreover, we will provide an overall communication on the aforementioned themes, thanks to a close cooperation with an important and distinguished EU source, as the Directorate General Agriculture and Rural Development.

Follow us on our Twitter, Facebook and Instagram accounts to be constantly updated and to actiely take part to the debate! See our latest thematic weeks.



