EFSA’s second scientific conference - Shaping the Future of Food Safety, Together

Wednesday, 14 October 2015

In 2012 EFSA launched its Science Strategy 2012-2016. On 7-8 November that year, more than 600 of the world’s leading food safety experts took part in a high-level scientific conference organised by EFSA. Since then, many objectives of the Strategy and recommendations of the 2012 Conference have been implemented. Meanwhile, assessment science and the biological sciences have continued to evolve apace. Furthermore, assessment science, will all continue to change, along with the development of open assessment approaches. This will lead to a progressive rethink of how science in the 21st century underpins decision-making to improve society and the world we live in. The objectives of this three-days conference are to take stock of the challenges and opportunities for risk assessment to contribute to policy development and assessment in the sphere of food safety.   Assessment science is the main theme of the conference. Another objective of the conference is to broaden the debate beyond food safety risk assessment per se. 

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