

It was a pleasure to host the "Grand debate on Nutrition Security – a whole system approach" A joint JPI FACCEJPI HDHL EVENT on the impact of climate change on providing a sustainable food supply that has the nutritional requirements to ensure a healthy population.

Last 15 May we were happy to host the conference "Proposal for a food and health research infrastructure in Europe" at our pavilion. Policy makers, involved in funding decisions or food and health research, have been invited to share their views on the infrastructure needed to advance food and health research in Europe.

For centuries, we Europeans have been inseparable from the sea and its fish.

Fish are an important part of our diets, keeping us healthy.

Fishing provides us with jobs.

Fish help us prosper.

9 May marked the inauguration of the European Union pavilion at Expo Milano 2015. Sixty five years ago on the same date, French Foreign Minister Robert Schuman referred for the first time to Europe as an economic and political union of different European states, ratifying the beginning of European integration.

What are the research issues to be considered when transfer of knowledge into use? According to Tim Benton (Faculty of Biology, University of Leeds) from our EU Scientific Steering Committee at Expo 2015 Milano, to tackle this issue we should "do research in a trans-disciplinary way, and try to get the knowledge out, communicating to the public".