Welcome to the first DIGITEC Newsletter

Published: May 2017

The Directorates-General of DG ITEC and DIGIT introduce the first DIGITEC newsletter and the Tech sessions that will happen in October.

EU-FOSSA continued: MEPs want bug bounties

The European Parliament approved the follow-up to the European Commission’s ‘EU Free and Open Source Software Auditing’ project (EU-FOSSA). The idea of the project came after the discovery of the Heartbleed Bug in the OpenSSL cryptographic library in April 2014. The next version of the code audit project is to add bug bounties.

InterHack: Where are the winning projects now?

On October 2016, the IT departments of the European Commission and the European Parliament organised their first common event, together with their counterparts at the Council of the EU. InterHack, the first interinstitutional Hackathon, gathered more than 30 developers for a day of IT development and lots of fun. In the end, 5 projects were presented, out of which the jury selected two winners. What happened to the winning projects? We bring you the latest news on their status.

DIGIT's move to open space

The Black Pearl building is the European Commission's flagship project on new office design and digital workplace. The new environment is completely different: no more private offices and classical telephony but much more face-to-face interaction between colleagues in the brand new passive building. What has changed for DIGIT staff who moved there recently?

e-Parliament Programme: IT for parliamentary work

Did you know that ITEC manages over 400 applications? Most of them support the parliament in its core business: drafting legislation. Members churn out over 5000 reports and opinions every year, resulting in more than 200 legislative acts. We had a look behind the scenes to see how IT supports parliamentary work through the e-Parliament Programme.

Open PM² Methodology Guide climbing up the charts!

Open PM² is an initiative by DIGIT that brings the [PM² Methodology]("http://europa.eu/!Gu76mr") and its benefits to stakeholders beyond the original target group of European Commission Project Managers - a group which has grown to a community of 653 certified colleagues in the EU agencies, the Council of the EU and the Commission.

DG ITEC's Innovation Week at the European Parliament

Innovation is a cornerstone of DG ITEC's mission - after all, we are the Directorate-General for Innovation and Technological Support. The ITEC Innovation department was set up in February 2016 to introduce and stimulate technological innovation inside the EP. The first anniversary of the department was celebrated with an interactive stand where colleagues could try different new technologies and see their possible use for our work.