The Characters

Picture of Sylvia


From an early age, Sylvia loved books. They introduced her into a world of logic and reason. It didn’t take long before she started scrutinizing the wonderful world of science and immersed herself into the latest technologies. Her passion for science drifted her into a fast career in scientific research with the EU where she also works on a food assistance programme to help less economically developed countries. Sylvia was born and raised in the big city and was never able to escape the fast rhythm of the urban life until now…

Picture of Alex


Alex grew up in a small village between the wheat fields where tradition, nature and sustainability are nourished. He quickly found his mission in life as a farmer through the cultivation of top quality wheat, as well as smaller crops and fresh honey for the local market. Solidarity is essential in this community and Alex goes around lending a helping hand to anyone who can use it. He cherishes his life and the people around him, but somehow feels like something is missing. He can’t really put his finger on it, until faith finally reveals it to him and his tranquil life gets turned upside down. Alex grabs the opportunity with both hands, determined to achieve his goal.

Alfred & Coco

Coco & Alfred

Coco is a Belgian Shepherd and Alex’s loyal friend, and Alfred is Sylvia’s witty and perceptive companion.