Enviroment project Slovakia - Volunteers from Portugal only

Enviroment project Slovakia - Volunteers from Portugal only

Zvolen, Slovakia

This activity is closed, you cannot apply.

Wat houdt de activiteit in?

The project will be implemented to be flood in the dam already several decades. Because of limitation of public services and the people property it has become a kind of "laboratory" of dying than ever viable village following the young people departure. Volunteer will assist in collecting information, care and rescue of indigenous varieties of fruit trees. He/she will learn to treat fruit trees, restore and preserve their gene pool, also learn to work with people who have these trees ever planted, but also with new settlers - people who now live in the country without the knowledge of its past. In the former school with a library volunteer will help to organize community events and activities for children. Volunteer will participate in the reconstruction of garden and creating center for environmental education, co-organize activities for the public to promote environmentally friendly way of life.

Wie zoeken we?

Age: 18-30 Volunteer from Portugal

Begin- en einddatum

Totaal 53 week/weken in de periode van 01/03/2019 tot 01/03/2020


Zvolen Slovakia

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