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    Foreign and Security Policy

    powers and regional groups. It seeks to ensure that these relationships are based on mutual interests and benefits. The EU has no standing army, so relies on ad hoc forces contributed by EU countries. The EU can send missions to the world’s trouble spots; to monitor and preserve law and order, participate in peacekeeping efforts or provide

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    EU pioneers

    Parliament Ursula Hirschmann Find out about Ursula Hirschmann, anti-fascist and feminist activist, who created the European Federalist Movement. Walter Hallstein Find out about Walter Hallstein, the diplomat and first President of the European Commission who pushed to create a European Economic Community Winston Churchill Find out about Sir Winston Churchill, the British army officer, war reporter and prime minister who called for a United States of Europe Further information Listen to the EU pioneers audiobook Share this page

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    Winston Churchill: calling for a United States of Europe

    that might come to mind is an imposing figure giving a victory sign while puffing on a cigar. This popular representation is but one aspect of the former army officer, war reporter and British Prime Minister. Churchill was one of many leaders whose experiences of war convinced him that only a united Europe could guarantee peace. A vision for Europe

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    Jean Monnet: the unifying force behind the birth of the European Union

    Jean Monnet, the French politician and economic adviser, was a lifelong supporter of European integration, whose ideas inspired the Schuman Plan to unite French and German national production of coal and steel under a single banner. Continue, continue, there is no future for the people of Europe other than in union. Jean Monnet Life and times When

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    Ursula Hirschmann: anti-fascist and feminist activist

    Born into a middle-class Jewish family in Berlin in September 1913,in 1932 Ursula Hirschmann joined the youth organisation of the Social Democratic Party in resistance to the advance of the Nazis. After meeting and then marrying Eugenio Colorni, a young Italian philosopher and socialist, Hirschmann became active in the clandestine anti-fascist opp

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    Sicco Mansholt: farmer, resistance fighter and a true European

    As a member of the Dutch resistance during the Second World War, Sicco Mansholt witnessed the horrors of the famine that swept across the Netherlands towards the end of the conflict. Once the Netherlands had been liberated, he vowed to work tirelessly to prevent the return of both war and destitution to Europe. The organisation of markets should b

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    Historical archives of EU institutions

    The historical archives of the EU institutions hold public documents that record decisions and findings that helped shape the EU as we know it today. EU archives Historical archives of the EU The EU’s historical archives are administered by the European University Institute (EUI) in Florence. It makes documents from the European institutions

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    Melina Mercouri: actor, anti-fascist and champion of culture

    career. She became Greece’s longest serving Minister of Culture and in her role as a champion of Greek and European culture had many achievements, especially the creation of the European Capital of Culture initiative. A vision for Europe As Greek Minister of Culture, in 1983, Mercouri organised a meeting with the culture ministers of the other nine EU

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    Robert Schuman: architect of the European integration project

    Robert Schuman saw action as a member of the French resistance in the Second World War, and was captured and imprisoned by the Nazis. He had been active in politics before the war as a member of the French Parliament After the war, he held a series of top-level posts in France, and eventually drew up the ‘Schuman Declaration’ to unite Europe and p

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    Anna Lindh: Sweden’s pro-Europe voice on the world stage

    Prime Minister Ariel Sharon’s policy towards the Palestinians. She opposed the 2003 invasion of Iraq on the grounds that the United Nations had not sanctioned it. She castigated the United States while in Washington over the treatment of prisoners at Guantanamo Bay. A vision for Europe Lindh played a major role in developing Sweden’s presence in the EU