Aħdem fit-Turkija

Informazzjoni dwar servizzi ta’ għajnuna nazzjonali u tal-UE biex taħdem fit-Turkija.

Landscape from Turkey

Mesleki Yeterlilik Kurumu - Ulusal Europass Merkezi

Sit web

Kuntatt permezz tal-email

Indirizz: Ziyabey Caddesi 1420. Sokak No 12, 06520 Balgat, Çankaya/Ankara, TÜRKİYE/TURKEY

Numru tat-telefown: +90 312 428 72 11

Midja soċjali:

Servizzi tal-UE li jistgħu jgħinuk

Your Europe

Information, help and advice on EU rights for EU nationals and businesses (i.e. travel, work, shopping, funding opportunities, doing business and procedures)

Eurodesk Turkey

Eurodesk is a European youth information network that promotes European awareness and opportunities to go abroad.

Erasmus+ National agency in Turkey

The EU works with National Agencies to bring Erasmus+ as close as possible to the participants and make sure it works well across different countries.


SOLVIT is a service provided by the national administration in each EU country and in Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway. SOLVIT is free of charge.