Work experience


  • Digital Opportunities Foundation

  • Berlin, Germany
  1. Manageing anual awareness raising awards for (secure) digital literacy, e.g. klicksafe Price and Smart Hero Award
  2. Public relation officer for the awareness intiatives, e.g. Gutes Aufwachsen mit Medien
  3. Manageing European projects for multipliers in adult education, e.g. Seniors@DigiWorld
  4. Project acquisition and networking through national and European networks
  5. Representing the foundation at stakeholder events


  • Helliwood media & education at fjs e.V.

  • Berlin, Germany
  1. Expert in media education, public relations, European projects (
  2. Coordinating and elaborating educational initiatives of educators and teachers within European projects, e.g. Agile2Learn
  3. Concepting educational material and courses for the promotion of Digital Skills
  4. Responsible for regional qualification of teachers within Helliwood telecentre
  5. Concepting, organising online/ hybrid conferences and workshops for staff, educators and teachers
  6. Member of organisation commitee for realising the hybrid event All Digital Summit in Berlin in 2020
  7. Project acquisition and networking through national and European networks
  8. Supervision of project applications

Education and training

Technische-Universität Berlin

  • Berlin, Germany

Europa-Universität Viadrina

  • Frankfurt (Oder), Germany

Uniwersytet Jagielloński

  • Krakòw, Poland

Language skills

Mother tongue(s)


Other language(s)

Listening Reading Spoken interaction Spoken production Writing


C2: Proficient User
C2: Proficient User
C1: Proficient User
C1: Proficient User
C1: Proficient User


C1: Proficient User
C1: Proficient User
C1: Proficient User
C1: Proficient User
C1: Proficient User


A2: Basic User
A2: Basic User
A2: Basic User
A2: Basic User
A1: Basic User


A2: Basic User
A2: Basic User
A2: Basic User
A2: Basic User
A1: Basic User

Digital skills

Soft skills

  • Reliable
  • Team-work oriented
  • Organizational and planning skills
  • Result-oriented
  • Good listener and communicator
  • Dynamic and agile
  • Decision-making
  • Collaborational Skills


  • Microsoft office
  • Canva (Grafik-Design) - Gute Kenntnisse
  • interactive Apps
  • Social Media