Education and training

Catholic University Center of Tocantins -UniCatólica

  • Specialization in Software Development for Mobile Devices

  • Palmas, Brazil

As a final paper, I developed an application for emergency response control using Progressive Web App (PWA). 

This application captured much of the information through the smartphones' sensors.

Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Tocantins - IFTO

  • Internet Systems Technologist

  • Palmas, Brazil

I developed an Automatic Formatter of Academic Papers as a Final Paper. I used Groove/Grails to develop the backend and Bootstrap for frontend, all following the MVC standard. For the formatting of academic papers, properly, I integrated the application with Latex (a document preparation system) in the background, generating a PDF at the end.

Work experience

FullStack Web Developer

  • Military Fire Department of Tocantins

  • Palmas, Brazil

I have been working as a Full-stack developer, building several systems currently in use in the fire department.

Sênior Consultant

  • Aubay Portugal

  • Lisboa, Portugal

I've been working remotely, as a full-stack PHP/Javascript.

In terms of PHP, I have been working with Symfony.

With javascript, I have been working with BackboneJS.

#docker #postgresql #microservice

  • Military Fire Department of Tocantins

  • Palmas, Brazil

I have been working as a Full-stack developer, building several systems currently in use in the fire department. 

I have done integration with external APIs, data validation, access control, creating statistics dashboards and reports. 

All code created has been managed through Git version control, and all activities are developed using the agile Scrum methodology.

Freelance Software Developer


  • Palmas, Brazil

I have developed amazing systems for some people and companies in Brazil. It made me confident to work in all phases of web application development. 

Projects Marketplace

I worked as a full-stack developer in the development of the

The main technologies and tools used were: PHP, JavaScript, MySQL, MVC, Bootstrap, Composer, and Git.

The platform was created from scratch, with no development framework. That way I had contact with all the particularities of the system, from the design of the screens, the modeling of the database, creation of business rules, construction following modern standards, integration, and implementation.

Today the is used by more than 3 thousand companies in all Brazilian states.

The platform is available for free at the address: 

SiOCB - Fire Department Operations System

I have worked directly in the development of all the features of the System to manage the operational activities of the Fire Department of the Tocantins, which includes the following modules: Management of vehicles, material, staff, service rosters, service exchanges, calls, reports, and statistics.

The main technologies used were PHP on the backend and Javascript on the frontend.

The system is cross-platform, working via URL or Android app.

It has georeferencing for greater precision and semi-real time monitoring of occurrences in attendance.

It also has integration with APIs for searching personal and vehicle data, which ensures greater data integrity.

Digital skills

Web Development

  • Responsive Webdesign
  • HTML5/CSS, Javascript
  • Git


  • PHP Language
  • Laravel/Lumen
  • symfony
  • Object-Oriented Programming
  • RESTful api


  • Bootstrap
  • Chakra UI


  • SQL (MySQL)
  • PostgreSql
  • NoSQL (basic)
  • SQLite


  • NodeJS, ExpressJS, ReactJS
  • Javascript ES6 / Typescript
  • JSON

Language skills

Mother tongue(s)


Other language(s)

Listening Reading Spoken interaction Spoken production Writing


B2: Independent User
C1: Proficient User
B2: Independent User
B2: Independent User
C1: Proficient User