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EU Children's Participation Platform

EU Children’s Participation Platform

European children and teenagers busy in their lives, underneath a European flag, including a boy in a wheelchair. Skateboarding, chatting, playing and high fiving each other.

Children have the right to express their views and have their opinions considered in important decisions. This Platform is a safe space for children and teenagers to have their say on the European laws and policies which concern them.

I hope we can form new connections and that people will be able to hear our voices because even though we might not be able to do much alone, I’m sure we can do a lot together.

Kalina, Bulgaria
Blue dialogue bubble which shows there is a quote from somebody.

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Article 24 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the EU affirms the rights of children to express their views freely, and for those views to be taken into consideration on matters which concern them. In line with the EU Strategy on the Rights of the Child, this Platform contributes to the right for children to be heard.